You’ve probably seen direct mail, television or poster ads that offer cash for homes. In fact, it often seems that these types of deals are becoming more ubiquitous. The question you might ask is, are they legitimate? And the answer is yes. But you want to go with a...
Tammy Brown
Finding Privacy and Alone Time as a Full -Time College Student
The hustle and bustle that comes with college life can be quite exciting. You can always find an activity to participate in, and the people around you are always on the go. This constant movement and high level of energy can be fun, but there are times you will want...
Options are Available When You Need to Sell a Home Fast
Have you recently inherited property from a loved one that passed away? Perhaps, you are experiencing financial hardship and need to sell your home to relieve you of credit problems. When you need to quickly sell property there are options available to help relieve...
Can You Pay for Student Housing in California With a Loan or Credit Card?
Living on your own isn't cheap. And just like a regular apartment, OCC student housing has rent due every month. If you don't pay on time, you might get kicked out of your apartment, even if you're an active college student who goes to class every day. How can you...
Six Advantages of Selling to an Honest Cash Homebuyer
If you’ve been trying to sell your house for the past six months or so, you know what an exhausting process it is. But what if you found someone who could relieve you of all those hassles and pay you cash for your house? Would that interest you? The fact is there are...